Alex Jones’ most recent escapade is a real interesting stunt. He posts an interview between Charlie (whore-monger) Sheen and POTUS Obama and doesn’t reveal that it is a fake interview.
It's also interesting that many of his fans are finally coming to grips with the naked emperor, Jones.
It's a case of the Frankenstein monster, (Jones), attacking his creator, (Jones fans). All of the people who used to support Jones, emboldened him to pull bigger and more outrageous stunts. Jones believed his own B.S., because the people who now see the light, used to buy into Jones’ crap.
Nothing has changed with Jones since his days on Austin, access cable. He hasn’t improved his broadcasting style or his presentation. Jones is amateurish, uneducated, boorish, a poseur, and a person who wants to be famous so badly, he will do anything to get his star.
He hasn’t done anything that could even remotely be construed as original thinking. His revelations about the NWO are straight from Anthony Hilder and Bill Cooper among others. These theories have been around at least since the seventies. So who did Jones "wake up"? A bunch of stoned children of hippies? Generation Xers? Who needs them? What does it matter? They are too busy blowing their brains out smoking pot to actually do anything constructive for society or “fight” against the “New World Order”; whatever the hell that is. I don’t really know anymore. It just gets more and more arcane and obtuse with every new Jones video and endless broadcast.
Plutocratic, Oligarchic, Transvestite-tic, Super-Rich-International Mafia, Multinational gobbledygook, Nazi-Teutonic-Bloodlines with Fascistic overtones thrown in for spice. ???
World Bankers, Global Crime Syndicates, International financiers much bigger than all the nations of the world put together. Did I forget to mention Hitlerian-Pit-Bull?
The cowardly Jones mentions everyone, real and imagined, except the 500 pound, 8 foot 9 inch, drooling, man-eating gorilla in the middle of the living room…Israel, World Zionism…(drum-roll) The Jews!!!
I am not suggesting that the Jews are the master-minds behind the entire New World Order super structure; However, I am suggesting that we look at it intelligently, thoughtfully, with the object to uncover the truth, once and for all.
This is in sharp contrast to Jones and company, who berate, chastise, hang-up, brow-beat, shout down and threaten anyone who challenges the Jones “approved” version of 911, and the New World Order. I would challenge anyone to explain how this tactic helps to uncover any truth about the 911 terror attacks, Jewish involvement or otherwise.
In an interview with “Russia Today”, Jones made the following statement:“They openly state that the United States will be the pit-bull, the attack dog. The American people will be used to go after any free nation in the world. So the United States is in the process of going from a corrupt oligarchy to a fascistic Hitlerian pit-bull, meant to go out and literally wage war against the planet.”
It is interesting how Jones uses Nazi imagery at every turn while ignoring Jewish culpability in the bargain. What Jones is talking about in his RT interview, is a “Pax Americana”, this was something the guys at PNAC came up with. PNAC is a Jewish “think tank”,not a group that would conjure up Aryan "Bogey Men". The Hitlerian comparison is inaccurate and disingenuous at best. For those of you who are going to counter with: “Hey, PNAC isn’t Jewish, Dick Cheney was a member…”
I will reply with: “The leadership and founders of PNAC were Jewish almost down to a man. To suggest that PNAC isn’t Jewish at it’s core because it allowed gentiles to join it’s ranks, is like suggesting Hitler’s SS wasn’t Nazi, because it allowed Jews to join it’s ranks in some cases.”
It’s time to hold this clown’s feet to the fire. He has avoided the Jewish question for far too long.
The evidence supporting Jewish involvement in 911 is far more compelling than the “controlled demolition” theory embraced by the Jones sycophants.I am not suggesting that the controlled demolition theory is invalid, I am simply suggesting that Jones followers put a hold on their “blind faith” and honestly look at the evidence showing the culpability of Israel and her agents in the 911 terror attacks.
How Can You Criticize Jones? Look At All The Good Work He Has Done, etc.
What good work has Jones performed?
911? Hell, there were half a dozen conspiracy theorists predicting the attack by Bin Laden, Bill Cooper being the most prominent. So Jones gets credit for predicting 911? What PR genius set that up?What about Jones’ other predictions:
Martial law after Y2K, Russian troops invade the U.S., UFO’s landing in D.C., ( I added the UFO for grins. But he might as well have said it.)Those predictions never came to pass, but he scared the hell out of enough people to sell butt-loads of air filters, water purifiers and freeze dried food. Did I forget to mention his videos. Yes, he sold lots and lots of videos.
The WWF Meets Conspiracy Theory
Jones obviously had the idea to merge the World Wrestling Federation with conspiracy theory and viola, the Jones image is born. If you don't believe me, check out some photos of Roddy Piper and compare them to Jones' look. Check out his presentation with the in-your-face, "I wish I were a DI in the Army" vocal style and tell me if it doesn't sound uncomfortably similar to Freddie "Pencil-Necked-Geek" Blassie and Roddy Piper. Even Jones' strange "Galaxy Quest" hair style, looks like Piper's. Last but not least, Jones’ trade-mark bull horn tactic, is straight out of the playbook of Jimmy “Mouth of the South” Hart.
Wasn’t it painfully obvious that Jones was a sell-out when he embraced Rosie (Lesbo) O’Donnell on his program along with Charlie (whore-monger) Sheen because they supported his anti-George Bush, 911 theories? Didn’t it cross Jones’ delusional mind, that O’Donnell and Sheen were supporting Jones’ plagiarized theories because they hated George Bush and wanted to see a Democrat in the White House?
Of course not. Jones is too self-centered to believe anyone would use him for nefarious purposes. These “Hollywood Stars” are impressed with Jones’ wisdom, insight and film making expertise. They may even ask Jones to direct them in their next big movie project…NOT!
I would suggest to you that Jones would join forces with NAMBLA if he could find a “Hollywood Star” who was a member and would consent to an interview on his Internet radio show to discuss his latest “Crap-U-mentary“.
Jones’ recent escapade does indeed embarrass the 911 “truth movementeers”. No one in middle America is going to take these theories seriously when you have the number one promoter joining forces with a whore-monger and pervert.
I don’t want to suggest a dark hand or shadowy figure at work here, but Jones couldn’t have done a better job of screwing up the credibility of the 911 “truth movement”, even if he had meant to do so for nefarious reasons.
You Can Do Something About Jones!
You may not be able to do anything about Obama health care-redistribution-of-wealth or the New World Order, but you can do something about this ass-clown Jones.
1.) Stop listening to his broadcasts and buying his propaganda.
2.) If you must listen, call him up and ask him questions that put him on the spot. Hold his chubby little feet to the fire:
“Alex, why did you say that Israel couldn’t possibly have pulled off the 911 terror attack? Didn’t you say that you did the research?” Why don’t you ever talk about the PNAC document “Clean Break” which shows Israel‘s hand in embroiling the U.S. in endless war in the Middle East? Why do you avoid the Jewish question, when there is obviously a strong Jewish presence in the turmoil we see worldwide? I noticed most of your sponsors are Jewish, do they have ties to Israel? Isn’t your wife Jewish?Do you have ties to Israel, the ADL or B'nai Brith through your wife’s side of the family?
Does Charlie Sheen score hookers and drugs for you when you visit him in Hollywood?
Do you have relatives in the FBI? Did you get your ass kicked in the access television parking lot? Did you "snitch" to your family members in the FBI, regarding the guys who kicked your ass in the access television parking lot? How much did you get paid by ABC’s 20/20, to betray the John Gray family?Who does your hair?, etc.”
3.) Spread this article and ones like it around the Internet, so that other unsuspecting “targets” won’t fall victim to the Alex Jones Kool Aide.
Jones is powerful and wealthy because people didn’t heed the warning signs at the beginning of his rise to power. Many of you are now realizing your folly. Good! Don’t fall victim again. Do something about it this time.
This is the fantasy world of Alex Jones. Pure, unbridled ego. If you want to look into the machinations of a megalomaniac mind, look no further than Alex Jones. Power for the sake of power. That is the true definition of satanism. And yet, that is exactly what Jones accuses the International-Nazi-Mafioso-Bilderbergers, of…Satanism.Be careful when you fight the monsters, lest you become one.
Great article, Peter!
Posted by: Z.O.G. | September 16, 2009 at 06:04 PM
Jones is such a fraud.
Posted by: Bill | September 16, 2009 at 07:08 PM
How can anyone take Jones seriously. He claims to be fighting the NWO, but he is part of the media establishment, with appearances on Geraldo no less.
I don't think you can fight the NWO when you join the ranks of the Hollywood elite. How can you argue that Hollywood is not a tool of the NWO?
Thanks for the great insight and article Peter!
Posted by: Rocker | September 16, 2009 at 11:37 PM
This is the most definitive article on Jones to date. The links are very important. Everyone reading the article should take time and check out all the links.
Pass the article around, it is important to make people aware!!!
Posted by: Sam Francis | September 17, 2009 at 12:29 AM
The comparison to Roddy Piper is hilarious and right on target.
I never realized it before this article. Jones is imitating Piper and Blassie.
He is a freaking WWF wannabe!
What a revelation, thanks Peter.
Posted by: Johnny G. | September 17, 2009 at 12:33 AM
He..Hey! Stop attacking this great American Patriot!
Posted by: Jamie Kelso | September 17, 2009 at 05:25 PM
Posted by: Z.O.G. | September 17, 2009 at 09:30 PM
That's the spirit Jamie!
Posted by: Peter Schaenk | September 18, 2009 at 01:07 PM
Jamie Kelso is a professional cult member.
He's been a member of so many different cults during his life that he's lost count.
Posted by: Z.O.G. | September 18, 2009 at 10:49 PM
At 18 min into the 4th hr of Wed's show, Alex commented that Obomba's Health Care Bill contains a provision for implanting a subdermal tracking chip in the people.
Posted by: roscoe | September 19, 2009 at 01:11 PM
Oh, wow, this website is hilarious! Does anybody know who is behind this?
Posted by: Z.O.G. | September 19, 2009 at 05:47 PM
Welcome back Peter, that's one hell of an editorial-truth straight up.
"The best way to control the opposition is to lead it." - Lenin (in reference to Mookie)
Posted by: Rockclimberscott | September 23, 2009 at 08:02 AM
Hey, Rockclimberscott, I'm surprised to see you posting on a "Nazi" "White Supremacist" website like Better be careful, somebody might think you're a "racist".
Posted by: Z.O.G. | September 23, 2009 at 06:35 PM
Hey ZOG, I see you're as mean and nasty and hateful as ever. Peter is not a "Nazi", nor a "white supremacist" but I have no doubts that you are. ;) Considering your fine talents to dig up info, what a waste it is that you are filled with a tremendous amount of hate. It's better that others are voicing much of your research since your attitude puts a stain on your credibility. I can see the difference, but most won't. By the way I bent over backwards to get you back at TIU and than you just turned out to be a little bitch.
Posted by: Rockclimberscot | September 23, 2009 at 10:04 PM
Rockclimberscott is a pro-multicultural left-wing Marxist piece of garbage.
He thinks that any discussion of race is "evil" and "Nazi-like".
Rockclimberscott, how are you any different than Fatboy Alex Jones? You're not different. You're afraid of open discussion. You're afraid of free speech. You're a politically correct brainwashed lemming.
Posted by: Z.O.G. | September 24, 2009 at 05:30 AM
Look at how Rockclimberscott even uses the Jewish Marxist political buzzword "hate".
Nice job, dumbass.
Posted by: Z.O.G. | September 24, 2009 at 05:31 AM
Hey, Rockclimberscott, good luck in defeating the Jews with your multicultural rainbow coalition. I hope that works out for you, dipshit. LOL
Posted by: Z.O.G. | September 24, 2009 at 05:32 AM
Rockclimberscott is one of those morons who worships the crystal meth drug addict disinformation artist Daryl Bradford Smith. Need I say any more?
Rockclimber, did you even know that Peter Schaenk can't STAND Daryl Bradford Smith? You're such an idiot that you didn't even know that, did you? Peter wrote a long essay about Daryl Bradford Smith entitled, "Daryl Bradford Smith, Crypto Goy". It's on this website. Go read it.
Posted by: Z.O.G. | September 24, 2009 at 05:44 AM
I like DBSs research as he goes further than most and is not a quitter. If that's all you have it's pretty weak. I made a few mistakes when I was younger and I changed. I guess that's pretty hard to believe coming from a moron like you. If Shaenk hates DBS I could care less, it doesn't mean I hate Shaenk nor do I worship his every word nor no one elses for that matter. Are you here to piss on Peter's good work, and b*tch, scream and moan or what? Are you for real? LOL
Posted by: Rockclimberscott | September 24, 2009 at 06:24 AM
Btw, ZOG I do not advocate multiculturalism. I believe in assimilation, I'm sick of these illegals and ungrateful welfare recipients. But what's your answer to the problem, kill them all?
Posted by: Rockclimberscott | September 24, 2009 at 07:18 AM