Famous French sociologist Alain Besançon discovers “the religion of the Shoah”
by Robert Faurisson
When in the late 1970s, I struck the first heavy blow against them, the historians of “the Holocaust” (which today is often called the “Shoah”), exhibited their disarray. Whereas I had placed myself on scientific ground to demonstrate, in a way that admitted of no rebuttal, that their alleged homicidal gas chambers were technically inconceivable, they were reduced --abandoning reason for faith -- to replying with a pitiful formula:
“It must not be asked how, technically, such a mass murder was possible; it was technically possible, since it happened.” (“La politique hitlérienne d’extermination: une déclaration d’historiens,” Le Monde, 21 Febuary 1979, p. 23. For further details on that controversy of 1978-1979, see my book Mémoire en défense contre ceux qui m’accusent de falsifier l’histoire, [La Vieille Taupe, 1980, p. 69-101]).
Consequently, as early as May 3, 1980, in a letter to Jean Daniel [i.e. Jean-Daniel Bensaïd, founder and executive editor of the weekly Nouvel Observateur] I spoke of “the new religion” and “the upholders of the Holocaust religion,” and concluded: “No sudden change will arise when it becomes apparent that ‘the Holocaust’ is a historical lie. Besides, religions disappear only very slowly, to make way for other religions. As it happens, I myself prefer to go on from faith towards reason” (ibid., p. 261-263).
I had perceived that, for want of any ability to resort to technical, scientific or historical argument, the other side was bound to seek a way out in religious-style mystification, along with reviving the modern equivalent witchcraft trials. The result is that these days, in 2009, the existence of a “Shoah religion” has become an obvious fact.
Recently, an article in Le Monde by Gérard Courtois dealt with “the Shoah” being “built into a ‘State religion" by French President Nicolas Sarkozy” (April 4, 2009, p. 26).
In a study on “Benedict XVI and the fundamentalists” (“Benoît XVI et les intégristes”, Commentaire n° 125, Spring 2009, p. 5-11), from the pen of the famed Roman Catholic sociologist Alain Besançon, the following remarks are to be found:
"On the scale of sacred things, there is nothing today that can challenge the Shoah for first place" (p. 9 A). "At the top of scale, we have the Shoah. It may be assigned, going by external criteria, a near-religious rank" (p. 10 A). "Having become universal [this religion] maintains the Jewish people’s standing as chosen, with the choosing done by the diabolical will of Hitler and not by the benevolent decision of God. It offers them up to the sympathy, in the strongest sense, of the Christian world. Ensuing from all this are changes in the scale of dignity, in the list of objects that can be touched only with trembling hands, in the hierarchy of values and in the prestige of those who defend them. Thus, ranking first, undeniably, is the Shoah" (p. 10 B).
"One is tempted to state that the religion of the Shoah and the humanitarian religion, in their various combinations, form the civil religion of the Western democracies [...] The heroes of the Shoah religion, followed by those of the humanitarian religion [Abbé Pierre, sister Emmanuelle...] find themselves at the top of the scale" (p. 11 B).
In the last two pages of his study (pp. 10-11) Besançon uses the expression “religion of the Shoah” seven times.
Born in 1932, having belonged to the Communist Party from 1951 to 1956, Alain Besançon is a member of the prestigious Institut de France and director of studies both at the Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales and the Institut d’histoire sociale. Raymond Aron, who founded the journal Commentaire in 1978, was — he tells us — his “teacher.” On December 13, 2004, Besançon paid a vibrant tribute to the memory of the late Chief Rabbi Jacob Kaplan, at an exceptional gathering of the Académie des Sciences morales et politiques. Besançon is the author of a number of books and studies in which, in particular, he deals first with the “woe of the century,” caused — according to him — by Communism and Nazism, and then with “the uniqueness of the Shoah.” Condemning the "fantasies" of "Holocaust denial" ("négationnist"), he attacks “those who deny the Shoah and reject the overwhelming mass of positive evidence of its reality” (p. 6 A and 7 B).
But he does not bother to cite, by way of example, a single one of those alleged fantasies, or provide a single bit of "overwhelming" evidence. Not for an instant does he explain how and why, in such a short span of time, the Jewish version of Second World War history has become a religion and, more precisely, the religion of the whole of the Western world. He does not tell us how it is that in the 21st century the sensitive elements of that triumphant and domineering religion “can be touched only with trembling hands.”
Why did a sociologist of the calibre of Alain Besançon remain mute for so long concerning the existence of this extraordinary social phenomenon whose birth, in the late 1970s, he had been unable to discern at the time? And why does he persist, now in 2009, in holding back from explaining its prodigious growth in these past 30 years?
Jean-Marie Le Pen remarks, correctly, that today we have arrived at the point where the Second World War itself has, in a way, become merely a detail of “the Shoah.” Why and how did such an aberration come about? How is it possible that the zany, hair-raising stories of Father Patrick Desbois of “the Shoah by bullets” and “the Shoah by suffocation [under cushions]” become, in 2009, with the unction of Nicolas Sarkozy, Simone Veil and the Catholic bishops of France, material for catechism in our middle and secondary schools, both public and private?
Any being endowed with reason can only blush on reading the phantasmagoria spouted by this devil of a prankster Rev. Father Desbois in his book The Holocaust by bullets: A Priest’s Journey to Uncover the Truth Behind the Murder of 1.5 million Jews (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2008; 233 pages.). Martin Gray and his ghost writer, Max Gallo, authors of For Those I Loved,have been outdone.
On August 7, 2008, I composed an essay on the phenomenon of Shoah fraud and gullibility entitled “The secular religion of the Holocaust, a tainted product of consumer society." In it I suggested a rational explanation for the mounting success enjoyed, especially since 1980, by the new “Holocaust” or “Shoah” religion.
Now that, in his turn, he is finally discovering this religion, will Alain Besançon decide to explain its "mystery" to us rationally? If he did so, he would discover that the revisionists, far from engaging in “fantasies,” have accumulated “an overwhelming mass of positive evidence” to support their findings. But in order to become aware of this he would at least have to start by reading their work. Having awoken in 1956 from the effects of the Communist opium, might Besançon also one day rise from the torpor into which the “Shoah religion” has sunk our thinking faculties -- this religion he is discovering now, nearly 30 years after the revisionists first exposed it?
“The religion of the Shoah” tolerates other religions, particularly the Roman Catholic religion, only insofar as they accept subordination to it. Benedict XVI knows this, as he prostrates and humiliates himself before it. Especially lie-ridden, the “Shoah religion” calls for hatred and crusades. In this respect, repeating the image used by Jean Jaurès regarding capitalism, it can be said of the new religion that it “bears war within it just as thick clouds bear a storm.”
[Editor's note: Dr. Faurisson (PhD. The Sorbonne) is a former Professor of Literature at the University of Lyon. He has been repeatedly physically assaulted, and prosecuted and fined in French courts. In Toronto in 1985 he was the chief consultant to the legal defense team during the show trial of publisher Ernst Zündel, against Norman Finkelstein's hero, the late "Holocaust" historian Prof. Raul Hilberg, who testified on behalf of the government prosecutor's attempt to imprison Zündel for fifteen months. Thanks to Faurisson, Hilberg was reduced to near incoherence, testifying at one point, "I'm at a loss" (cf. Hoffman, The Great Holocaust Trial[Torrance, Calif., 1985]).
A book on the Greek-Jewish roots of French President Nicolas Sarkozy, whose family can be traced back to the Jewish community in the northern port city of Thessaloniki, went on sale in Greece Thursday.
The book, whose English title reads Me, the Grandson of a Greek, was launched during a lavish gathering in Athens late Wednesday by Greek Foreign Minister Dora Bakoyianni, former Socialist foreign minister Theodoros Pangalos, former prime minister Constantinos Mitsotakis and the ambassadors of France and Israel.
The book written by three Greek authors gives a historical account of the maternal family of Sarkozy, who were a part of the Jewish community in Thessaloniki, once nick-named the "Jerusalem of the Balkans."
The book reveals that Sarkozy's mother's family came to Thessaloniki from the French region of Provence.
Sarkozy's great-grandfather, Mordechai Mallah, a well-known Thessaloniki jeweler, and his wife, Reina, had seven children. One of them was Aaron, Sarkozy's grandfather.
At the age of 14, Aaron and his mother left for France where Aaron studied medicine and served as a doctor during World War I. He later met his wife, a nurse, in Paris and converted to Catholicism in order to marry her, taking the name Benedict. One of their children, Andree Mallah, married a Hungarian refugee named Paul Sarkozy. The couple had three sons, one of which was named Nicolas.
Paul Sarkozy left the family when Nicolas was 5 years old and the young boy was largely looked after by his grandfather, who used to tell his grandchildren stories from Thessaloniki.
Nicolas Sarkozy and his brothers did not know of their Jewish roots until after their grandfather passed away in 1972. The book's authors' claim Benedict did not tell his grandchildren about their Jewish roots in order to protect them, fearing another Holocaust, which ended up killing many of the Mallah family.
The authors write that at the age of 20, Nicolas Sarkozy travelled to Thessaloniki to sell his family's property after they were struck with financial problems.
Approximately 6,000 are left of the Jewish Community of Thessaloniki today.
More than 50,000 of them were massacred during the Nazi occupation of Greece.
Greek Prime Minister Costas Karamanlis presented Sarkozy with a copy of the book at the last EU Council meeting in Brussels. The Greek premier also promised him it would be translated into French.
Dozens of politicians and rabbis have been arrested by US law enforcement agents in an anti-corruption probe in New Jersey. Allegations include money laundering, extortion and trafficking in human body parts.
AFP - US law enforcement agents on Thursday arrested dozens of politicians and rabbis in an anti-corruption sweep alleging money laundering, extortion, bribery and even trafficking in human organs.
The stunning New Jersey swoop netted 44 people across a state long seen as one of the most corrupt and crime-ridden in the country.
Five rabbis were among the suspects, along with the mayors of the cities of Hoboken, Secaucus and Ridgefield, the Jersey City deputy mayor and council president, two state assembly members, and numerous other politicians, prosecutors said.
Acting US Attorney Ralph Marra told a press conference the arrests demonstrated "the pervasive nature of public corruption in this state."
The money laundering ring allegedly stretched from New Jersey and New York to Israel and Switzerland, while US politicians easily exploited loopholes in state law to disguise bribes as contributions in bitterly fought campaigns.
"The politicians willingly put themselves up for sale," said Marra, while "clergymen cloak their extensive criminal activity behind a facade of rectitude."
Although New Jersey is more famous for a history of Italian Mafia families, it was Jewish clergy who allegedly played a central role in this crime network.
The Department of Justice said in a statement that the international network "laundered at least tens of millions of dollars through charitable, non-profit entities controlled by rabbis in New York and New Jersey."
The bribe-taking meanwhile was connected to fund raising efforts in "heavily contested mayoral and city council campaigns in Jersey City and Hoboken."
Authorities raided several synagogues and among those arrested was the chief rabbi of Syrian Jews in the United States.
One rabbi, Levy Izhak Rosenbaum, was also charged with conspiring to broker the sale of a human kidney for transplant.
Marra said that Rosenbaum's "business was to entice vulnerable people to give up a kidney for 10,000 dollars which he would turn around and sell for 160,000 dollars."
He'd allegedly been peddling kidneys for a decade.
Raids began shortly after dawn, officials said, targeting a who's who of state leaders.
Television footage showed FBI and tax agents bringing a stream of handcuffed suspects, including rabbis wearing traditional Orthodox Jewish garb, into custody in the city of Newark. Other suspects were shown being put onto a bus.
The operation was believed to be one of the biggest such actions ever in a state deeply associated with organized crime, and famous as the setting of the hit Mafia television drama the "Sopranos."
Officials said the arrests were part of an ongoing 10-year probe into statewide corruption code-named "Bid Rig."
If found guilty, suspects face prison sentences of up to 20 years for political extortion and money laundering, 10 years for offering bribes to officials, and five years for conspiring to transport human organs.
Democratic State Governor Jon Corzine said "the scale of corruption we're seeing as this unfolds is simply outrageous and cannot be tolerated."
"Any corruption is unacceptable -- anywhere, anytime, by anybody," he said in a statement.
The dramatic crackdown came as Chris Christie, a crusading former US attorney, stepped up his campaign against Corzine in an election this November.
Christie, a Republican, previously won fame for his relentless and successful prosecution of political corruption in New Jersey.
Corzine is battling widespread dissatisfaction with his performance as the state reels from the national recession, spending cuts, and shorter working weeks for state employees.
FBI agent Weysan Dun was quick to deny any political motivation behind the arrests, a majority of which appeared to involve Democrats, rather than Republicans.
"This investigation has transcended multiple administrations of both political parties," he said.
This is "not about politics, certainly not about religion. It is about crime. It is about criminals who use politics and religion."
With Sonia Sotomayer’s Supreme Court confirmation a “shoe-in”; social engineers have accomplished an important goal: The urbanization of the federal government.
The goal appears to be a complete overhaul of the federal government, so that it will resemble our major urban centers.
Approximately 40 years ago, our major cities began the process of handing over the reins of power to non-Whites and females. Most people believe the disintegration of our major urban centers is a natural process due to the increase in population and wear and tear.
However, no one has ever studied the linkage between non-White / female rule and urban deterioration. This is the uncomfortable truth, that no one in politics or the media appears ready to contemplate.
California’s recent financial disaster should be viewed as a direct result of 40 years of non-White rule, female rule, and illegal alien abuse of our welfare system.
With Justice Sotomayer on the Supreme Court, we have an agent of Mexico, working on behalf of the government of Mexico, for the citizens of Mexico, who violate our immigration laws when they cross the border illegally.
The urbanization of our federal government has begun; It won’t be long before we have gang-bangers on the floor of congress, flashing gang signs on CSPAN.
Non-White rule has created the biggest crime wave in our history as a nation and no one in the media bothers to report this self-evident truth.
Philadelphia, Detroit, New Orleans, Los Angeles, New York, D.C., St Louis, Houston; Every major urban center run by non-Whites and females is tantamount to a third world nation.
And now the people who destroyed America’s cities have set their sights on the federal government.
The new health care reform is the silver bullet that will put down the White middle class, once and for all.
ALL White-middle-class-working-men, should be up in arms about Obama’s health care reform bill. We will be the ones forced to pay for this public service. We will be forced to pay for it, just like social security and all the other taxes that are deducted from our paychecks, whether we use the service or not.
This is what they did in California 40 years ago, when social engineers introduced Medical. The opponents of Medical, said it would bankrupt the state. Well the state is bankrupt, and no one discusses the linkage between this health reform, the warnings from the original opponents of Medical and the financial crisis in California.
If the federal government sets up national health care, what effect do you think this will have on the Mexicans across the border? Do you think it will act as an incentive for more illegal crossings or less?
How do you think Justice Sotomayer will rule, if the constitutionality of our borders and Illegal Alien participation in our national health care system ever comes into question and reaches the Supreme Court.
How do you think a “Chief Justice” Sotomayer will rule?
What makes a man a man? Socially, that is a complicated question. Genetically, however, it is as simple as a single Y chromosome.
But guys, that chromosome is in trouble.
In a new study, researchers say there is a dramatic loss of genes from the human Y chromosome that eventually could lead to its complete disappearance -- in the next few millennia. While the Y chromosome's degeneration has been known to geneticists and evolutionary biologists for decades, the study sheds new light on some of the evolutionary processes that may have contributed to its demise and posits that, as the degeneration continues, the Y chromosome could disappear from our genetic repertoire entirely.
"It's certainly possible, but it's difficult to predict when it will happen," said Kateryna Makova, an associate professor of biology at Penn State University, who led the study, which was published Thursday in the journal PLoS Genetics.
Although geneticists and evolutionary biologists agree that the Y chromosome is degenerating -- and far more rapidly than its X counterpart -- they reject the idea of a world far in the future where men are obsolete.
"The idea that the Y chromosome has just bailed out of an airplane without a parachute simply doesn't fit the facts," said Dr. David Page, director of the Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research in Cambridge, Mass., and a Y chromosome expert. "The evidence from studies on natural deletions of [genes on] the human Y chromosome shows there are consequences, especially for sperm production, that implies very strong natural selection against the loss of genes on the human Y chromosome."
Y Chromosomes Had Problems From the Start
Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes packed with genes that dictate every aspect of our biological functioning. Of these pairs, the sex chromosomes are different; women have two X chromosomes and men have an X and a Y chromosome. The Y chromosome contains essential blueprints for the male reproductive system, in particular those for sperm development.
But the Y chromosome, which once contained as many genes as the X chromosome, has deteriorated over time and now contains less than 80 functional genes compared to its partner, which contains more than 1,000 genes. Geneticists and evolutionary biologists determined that the Y chromosome's deterioration is due to accumulated mutations, deletions and anomalies that have nowhere to go because the chromosome doesn't swap genes with the X chromosome like every other chromosomal pair in our cells do.
Y Chromosomes Are Rapidly Losing Genes
However, Melissa Wilson, lead author of the study and graduate research fellow at Penn State University, pointed out that if there is no difference between a male who has lost a particular gene and one who still retains it, especially if both are still fertile, then that gene must be nonessential.
"Because they can lose [a gene] ... we conclude that it's on its way to dying in humans," she said.
Yet the Y chromosome perseveres, despite its rapid rate of deterioration.
"The key flaw in the logic [of Y chromosome deterioration] is the assumption that the Y chromosome can only lose genes," Page said. "But the human Y chromosome has gained genes not even on the X chromosome. Men who lose those genes do not transmit their Y chromosome."
Y Chromosome Can Gain Genes
Page pointed out that, while the Y chromosome may not share genetic material with the X chromosome, it can swap genes with other chromosomes as well as keep multiple copies of functional genes to increase their number on the Y chromosome. Makova and Wilson said that the increased rate of mutation on the Y chromosome could give rise to new genes that may prove beneficial and, therefore, remain on the chromosome.
Genetic change, whether by mutation, environmental stressors or by swapping bits of chromosomes, is the natural course of evolution, and evolution is weighted towards survival. Perhaps most importantly, Y chromosomes with defective male-specific genes, especially those involved in sperm production, are unlikely to reproduce and pass on those genes to their sons, which knocks highly defective chromosomes out of the gene pool. Genetic changes that do not favor reproduction are likely to get weeded out of the system.
"The most fundamental [principle] to all evolution is reproduction," said Dr. Ronald Crystal, chairman of the Department of Genetic Medicine at Weil Cornell Medical College. "No one knows why the Y chromosome has more pressures to evolve. It may be that the genes are irrelevant. ... But evolution figures out a way to maintain reproduction."
Reproduction Is Still Paramount for Evolution
Even if the Y chromosome becomes obsolete, reproduction will continue, in some form. Makova and Wilson said that new sex chromosomes may rise from non-sex chromosomes or that essential genes might move to other chromosomes, which has happened in some species of deer. "Presumably, we will have moved genes around," said Dr. Harry Ostrer, director of the Human Genetics program at the New York University School of Medicine. "But the reproductive structures will be well conserved."
In other words, men will not fade away, even if their Y chromosomes do.
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