by Max Hadden
Many of you are probably already aware that my YouTube account, Hadden88, has been removed. On the bright side – or perhaps not depending upon your opinion of my writing – it will provide me opportunities to write again instead of spending a lot of time digitizing, reviewing, editing and posting educational clips from my video library onto YouTube. Internet video technology is a much better way for us to spread the truth primarily because, as Lincoln Rockwell once said, the masses of people will not read or study. Consequently, a radio or television format makes it easier for them to digest, albeit more difficult for us to supply. I am glad to see many VNN’ers stepping up to the plate to provide our message in radio content. Keyboard commandos no more. Due to my YouTube experience and a bit of cogitating, I’d like to relate my observations on something I call the “goying” of AmeriKwa.
The YouTube Experience
Let me first briefly mention that my posts on YouTube were a labor of love. I wanted to share some of the life-changing information that I had discovered over a variety of topics. Eventually, Hadden88 contained over 100 video clips, 400 subscribers and had accumulated half a million views over a period of about 10 months. I turned down any and all invitations to become “YouTube Friends” or “video responses” to avoid being associated with those banned for stupid reasons. Prior to posting a clip I always sent an email or letter to the copyright owner requesting permission. My justification was that a) I wasn’t making any money from YouTube, b) I would keep the video clip posted to less than 25% of the original, and c) I would gladly post information about where the video could be purchased. In most cases, even though I waited for a few months and occasionally sent additional letters, my request was completely ignored. So I knew that “copyright infringement” claim would be Hadden88’s downfall, and owner-initiated.
It was Barnes Review (, or individuals posing as members of that organization, and the Victor Ostrovsky lecture series that caused my account to be removed. Make of that what you will.
As anyone who has posted Soviet-styled “politically incorrect” material on YouTube knows, the number of “flames” or hate mail one receives far exceeds objective inquiries or appreciation. The ignorant flamethrowers are the “goyim”, or cattle, that the Jews have created. The Jews have chosen this word wisely. These gentiles believe what the Jews want them to believe and are therefore unsuspecting, helpless cattle being led to their own slaughter. People on YouTube generally fall into three categories; 1) those of us who know the truth and aren’t afraid of it, 2) independent thinkers who seek the truth (and sometimes this group sent me thank you notes for providing them information they had never heard before), or 3) the goyim.
Obviously, my goal was not to “preach to the choir” as there’s no need to convert someone who’s already on your side. Independent thinkers are those whom Dr Pierce and the rest of us at VNN are targeting. The path of enlightenment blazed by building White media – thanks, or rather cheers to James Hawthorne – will eventually lead to a large enough number of us to organize, like the German National Socialists, and make systemic changes for the benefit of not only our own race but everyone on this tiny planet, except the Jews. It’s always good to hope that some of the goyim can be awakened and become independent thinkers, but what was so obvious and sad to me about these Jew-produced human cattle was how typical their remarks were. This is why I consider them “goyed.” They are dumbed-down, brain dead people that have been purposefully and professionally programmed by Jews to commit racial suicide.
Let’s dig deeper into why this is goying on.
WTF is Goying On?
Many of the goyim had the nerve to write me on YouTube claiming that I’m ignorant about real history and about honest facts. Really? ROTFL. However, I am positive I know more than they do and I can explain how and why this is the case quite easily. Some claimed that the Germans not only killed 6 million Jews, but that they murdered 12 million innocent people total because I left out 3 million homosexuals and 3 million additional non-Jews who were also “killed.” Others, in response to one of Father John O’Connor’s video clips, claimed that 12 million witches were burnt by the evil Catholic Church and said that I need to read so-and-so’s book. I won’t even bother with the idiots who labeled Fr O’Connor a fag and a pedophile when it was O’Connor who got into trouble for speaking out against the homosexual infiltration of the Catholic Church.
What these poor, ignorant goyim didn’t understand – and still don’t – is that I experienced the same false education that they had. I tried in vain to explain to them that I had already heard the bullshit stories they had swallowed as facts, but I’d since gone past that. had already been where they were, and moved further on. For this reason, it is impossible for me not to know more than they do on these subjects. I had learned what they had learned plus more. In fact, I had come to learn that a lot of what I’d been taught was flat out lies, and had since spat out the nonsense previously swallowed.
Their ignorance is the result of the Jews goying them into believing lies of omission, commission or both.
The Germans did imprison homosexuals and members of certain groups such as Jehovah’s Witnesses when such individuals were causing trouble. Ditlieb Felderer was tasked, being a Jehovah’s Witness himself at the time, to find out just how many of that sect had been “killed” by the “evil Nazis” because his religion’s leaders wanted accurate estimates for their upcoming reparations claim scam against Germany. The number of Jehovah’s Witnesses who died in the camps was unknown until after the collapse of the Soviet system, but speculation made the number as high as 20,000. Felderer found out that the number was actually in the area of 200. And more importantly, he could find no proof at all that they’d been “killed” but that they’d probably died of typhus. Now how many of these Holocaust-believers have even heard of Felderer’s investigations? Who has been goyed? Is it me or you, fellow YouTubers?
Then there’s the old “Catholic Church burned millions of witches” claim. The best thing about that whole dark period in White history is that the Catholics and local officials –being the educated, literate elite – kept records. It has been shown by documentation and extensive research by Russell Hope Robbins that the total number burned for heresy and/or witchcraft was between 50,000 and 85,000 people. When you point out that fact to these numbskulls, they hurl back at you, “What does the number matter?” Well, you jerks, you’re the one who threw your outrageous number in my face to begin with and you obviously thought it mattered, right? The more that were killed, the worse it is, and the worse it is, then the guiltier I’m supposed to feel, right? So fuck off, with your sophistry and sanctimonious crap. We’re not goying to take it anymore.
Ongoying Racial Warfare
Out of all the comments I received at YouTube there are only two remarks worth mentioning. One was from a woman who claimed that the Jews were not a problem and that we are all individuals. The other was from a man who said that he never knew any Communists that had done anything wrong, but he knew a lot of capitalists that had. Nevermind that the US behaves as the premiere Marxist and Communist-inspired nation on earth with its egalitarianism and internationalism. This misunderstanding of the situation is an example of how VNN has to fight against Jew-created false beliefs adopted by our own people who are not naturally our enemies. To handle the second one first, the man misunderstood my video clips. If my videos could be categorized as anti-Communist, anti-Jewish, and pro-Nazi or pro-Fascist, then they were obviously anti-Capitalist, where Capitalism has been redefined by the Jewess Ayn Rand and Rush Limbaugh.
The man obviously thought individualistic, greedy Capitalism was just an excuse to fuck people over for profit, and I agree. However, he also thought that I was either ignorant or on the side of Rush Limbaugh because I said Marxism and Communism were causing the most damage and I failed to bash Capitalism. False. As I’ve said before in other VNN articles: Communism is State Capitalism. The Bolshevik Jews who were Communist Party elite looked after their own interests including financial profits and Capital. The AmeriKwan government is doing the same thing today. The Democrat Party’s “no war for oil” crowd, or those who point out that Republicans allow the Mexican invasion because they want “cheap labor” should realize this. Election campaign funding, mass media propaganda, pork barrels, free comps and book deals are just some of the methods kikes use to goy our politicians. In the Soviet Union, these bought gentile Congressmen would be called “loyal Party members” publicly, but privately, the Jews still consider them goyim.
Ted Pike and Michael Hoffman, both men of whom I have enormous respect for, claim that the heart of our movement is the struggle against the supremacist ideology that Jewish rabbis have forced upon their own people. In other words, good Jews gone bad. Let me make it clear that they are both right and wrong. Life in its simplest form is a racial war for survival. As Kevin MacDonald has explained, the rhetoric, ideologies and social engineering produced by the Jews are a form of this struggle for survival. They are tools created and used by the kikes to defeat their racial enemies. The goying of Whites to be greedy assholes and Jews to be supremacists is part of the big picture. These people are the result of Jewish propaganda on both their races (meaning Ashkenazi and Sephardi) and ours. This is the reason that the brilliant Germans of the Third Reich put such emphasis on propaganda. Fight fire with fire. And as I mentioned in a past article about propaganda, it can be either honest or dishonest. “Propaganda” does not equal “lies.”
The solution is not to address the symptoms of the systemic corruption but the root cause: Jews and their behavior. The reason so many of our people are corrupt is thanks to Jews and the ongoying race war.
To continue about the woman who claimed Jews were not responsible…
Her perspective was exemplary of the typical goyed AmeriKwan. She responded in regards to Hitler’s speech at the 1933 rally known as “Victory of Faith” with a huge diatribe of regurgitated nonsense. She said Socialism was bad for government, I said I agreed, but National Socialism wasn’t judeo-Communist Socialism. She said she didn’t like big government, I said that big is a relative term, and that the problem is not big government, but bad government – whereupon I noted that “bad” is also a subjective term. She said Jews were individuals and could not be held responsible as a group, I explained that Jews were not just a religious group, but a hybrid race of Ashkenazim and Sephardim, and I also mentioned that the most dangerous ideological position for a gentile to take is: we are all individuals and that’s all we are. The fact is, as Alex Linder frequently points out, we are individuals AND members of a group. That group is our White race. Europeans. Aryans.
Does this make sense, or am I goying crazy?
Putinesque Wisdom
Someone at posted a link to my YouTube video clip of former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov explaining how the real purpose of the KGB, under pressure from Jew Yuri Andropov, was primarily demoralization and not espionage. The goying of Whites has occurred in a number of ways, all with the same result: our racial suicide. A person like the aforementioned woman who clings to her “individualism” doesn’t realize that her belief makes her apathetic to the fate of her own people. She does not care about the rapes of 100 White women in AmeriKwa every day by niggers because – in her mind – they’re all individuals and there’s no rational explanation for their group behavior.
Part of what Bezmenov warned us about was White feelings of guilt over racism and bigotry. A person who thinks we’re all “individuals” believes that when another person states the honest to God factual truth that Blacks are prone to violence and stupidity for genetic reasons, this means that he or she is ignorantly stereotyping Blacks because of their skin color. A better example of “goying” White people is hard to find.
The fact is, as Bezmenov pointed out, that despite the abundance of information such as nigger criminality, we have been goyed – in other words, fooled – into not believing what we see with our own eyes. It wasn’t the lack of education or poverty that made a pack of ugly coons in Knoxville, Tennessee rape and murder Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom, it’s what Negroes do. It’s part of who they are. It’s their biological nature. It’s their genetic inheritance. Low IQ and higher testosterone levels = bad combination. But the Jews with their media control and changing of our educational curricula have so put the “kibosh” on our mental faculties of logic and reasoning that it’s as if we’re wearing blindfolds over our minds. Our eyes let us see the empirical evidence, but our brains can’t make any sense out of it. The only explanation we’re allowed is the false Jewish one: nigger violence is due to the lack of education, poverty and White racism. Bullshit.
However, this Pavlovian conditioning can be overcome. Removing the mental blinder that is keeping us from seeing reality is possible (at least among a small percentage of our people). I am proof of that. And building White Aryan owned and operated media is the antidote to the poison we’ve been infected with.
When are you goying to help us?
White Demoralization and Jewish Guilt
The main point of Bezmenov’s speech on demoralization can be summed up as follows; in a war, when troops become demoralized, they lose the will to fight. This is what has happened to White people in terms of defending their own kind. How did they lose the will to fight? The answer is simple; because Jews have been brow-beating us with stories about the African slave trade, about the evil White man killing off the poor innocent American Indians, and bleating about how the “evil Nazis” killed poor, innocent, blameless and defenseless Jews in gas ovens. When White children are taught these things, they feel demoralized. They lose the will to fight for their people. This is why Leni Riefenstahl’s “Triumph of the Will” is so brilliant. It was Hitler’s as well as the will of the rest of those great German National Socialists that lead them to triumph. We will also triumph when we reverse this Jew-instilled demoralization and goying of our will to survive.
Many “individual” Jews have teamed up over the years to spread poisonous doctrines to our people. Whether or not they were individuals pursuing their own interests is irrelevant. They comprise a Jewish-front against divided Aryans that refuse or can not see that a battle is raging. These Jews are part of a cabal of gentile-goying megalomaniacs. They are the real supremacists vying for world domination against an imaginary enemy. White racists, such as those of us at VNN, do not want to rule the world.
As Bezmenov mentioned in another video clip, all revolutions are never grass roots or majority-led movements. All movements – whether the Zionist in Israel or the anti-Vietnam War protests in the U.S. – are spearheaded by a minority of ideologically-minded conscientious organizers who have an agenda, whether for good or ill.
To wit, one can not understand world events without discussing the Jewish role in it…
There would have been no Communist Revolution and subsequent murder of millions of gentiles if it weren’t for Jews (see Leon Trotsky, Lazar Kagonovich, et al).
There would be no false egalitarianism doctrine that the races are equal if it weren’t for Jews (see Karl Marx, Franz Boas, et al).
There would be no bogus and destructive “War on Terror”, if it weren’t for Jews (see Richard Perle, Paul Wolfowitz, et al).
There would be no niggerized AmeriKwan culture of gangs, pornography, drugs, and crap music if it weren’t for Jews (see Murray Rothstein, Israel Cohen, et al.).
There would be no Africans in this country if it weren’t for Jews (see Aaron Lopez, Moses Levy, et al).
There would be no “political correctness” and sexual liberation if it weren’t for Jews (see Max Horkheimer, Theodor Adorno, et al).
There would be no feminism if it weren’t for Jews (see Bella Abzug, Gloria Steinem, et al).
One could go on and on listing the problems the Jews are responsible for including; the troubles in Iraq, the tyranny and oppression against the Palestinians, the Black on White crime in every formerly White nation, the anti-Christianity lawsuits (no Christmas trees, no Ten Commandments, etc.), the non-White immigration invasion, the defeat of Germany in the First and Second World Wars, the Hippie movement, and on and on… but what’s the point? We are the demoralized cattle who would rather walk casually to a Jewish slaughterhouse than upset the cattle car. This complacent attitude and lack of real, manly, Aryan resistance to such destructive ideologies is the result of the on-going goying of our people.
Needless to say, the Jews are always goying too far.
Who is more ignorant?
White Christians who believe that the Jews are God’s chosen people and drive vehicles bumpered with stickers like: Unite Against Terror? Or the, evil racists and haters like me and other VNN’ers who say that most Jews are atheists and hate Christians with a passion, pun intended?
Who has been goyed?
The demoralized and Marxist fools who say that if we just pour more education on the uneducable Negro population that they’ll become White? Or the “ignorant, brainwashed KKK” member who says that sub-Saharan Africa has never produced anything of significance and that Blacks are violent due to their low IQ’s and high testosterone levels?
Lee Gardener of Aryan Matters, a VNN media affiliate, recently said that the public schools are not failing, but are succeeding. They are teaching, nay, brainwashing and programming our children to be politically correct with Zionist and Marxist falsehoods. Such as the races are equal, and homosexuality is normal. I call it the goying of AmeriKwa. Whether the public schools or the Jewish-owned and controlled mass media does it, the result is the same: Aryan self-delusion and suicide.
Jews claim that they are the best human beings, special and deserving to rule the world. In other words, they are the “supremacists.” Their Talmud says a supreme being created them to be rulers over the rest of us dumb goyim. On the other hand, Hitler said that when you look at the achievements of the different races or species of men, you find that Whites are superior. The Aryans built White Western Christian civilization and all the marvels that come with it. The supernatural did not enter into his observations. One should ask, “Did Hitler ever say that the White man must conquer and rule the world?” No. He said that every race and nation should have its own leaders and borders and be respectful of others. If anything should be conquered, it was Jewish control over non-Jews. Whites aren’t the ones trying to persecute or dominate other races, the Jews are. That is their plan. See my essay “Planet of the Kikes” for more.
It’s no coincidence that the worst definitions of certain words – racist and supremacist – in reality apply to the Jews and not to awakened Whites. Their perverted definitions are mirrored versions of themselves, whether they are consciously aware of it or not.
As Dr Pierce said, there are only two ways to hasten the downfall of the destructive kikes; the first, a catastrophe of an economic or financial sort that results in the races fighting openly in the streets. Or the second, to build our own White mass media to communicate the truth to our dumb-downed, brothers and sisters in lieu of the first. If any of us knew how we could make the economy collapse, we’d do it. But since we don’t and can’t, we’re doing all we can… by spreading the word. Building our own mass media.
The time draws near for the end of Jewish domination in the White Western world. The Jewish arm of negative influence has grown long, but like Sauron, he won’t see his destruction approaching. We must consider ourselves as Aryans first, Americans second. We must continue to speak out or support those that do. We have no choice in the matter, for if we don’t, and as my YouTube experience with goyim shows… our people are goying, goying, gone.
Atonement is over!
Back to business as usual for the tribe.
Enjoy this clip courtesy of our friends at the Kaiser Family Foundation.
I know Peter's a big fan of their health care system.
Posted by: 20 DollA RocK | September 25, 2007 at 09:37 AM
Mr. Hadden,
I just came across this, it's the first time I ever heard of you, I see no more articles on this site by you, where might I find you now? Also, where is this Mr. Schaenk?
Posted by: sammytb | February 14, 2008 at 05:46 PM
I don't get it, on one hand you attack Jews for their racial supremacism and set about exposing their nefarious activities, but then you talk about 'Aryans' as if they are a superior race! No, it's not essentially about race, it's essentially about religion and 'Jews' unfortunately have inherited bad religion which has spawned bad ideologies such as Marxism. The benefits of western civilization have stemmed from Christianity, not from a particular gene pool with pale skin. It just so happened that the formerly pagan northern tribes embraced Christianity which started among a large number of Hebrews and people of other cultures - see Book of Acts, chapter 1-3.
Posted by: Mel Cameron | September 19, 2008 at 03:06 PM
I follow you VIA GFC and I love your blog!
Posted by: Belstaff Jackets Sale | December 28, 2011 at 10:53 AM