I recently read the account of the downing of the Liberty Hour on RBN. It is ironic that the Liberty Hour, met the same demise as the U.S.S. Liberty. It is also ironic that the Liberty Hour’s main topic of discussion is the downing of the U.S.S. Liberty by Israel.
Now we all know that Israel is primarily inhabited by Jews, but heaven forbid you discuss Israel and say the word ’Jew’ on RBN. If you must discuss the ’J-team’, please use the appropriate ’code words’ that have been passed down to the broadcasters, by RBN's, arbiter of truth; John Stadtmiller.
Zionist, Canaanite, Globalists, Bankster, Neoconservative, etc. These are all code words that you can use when discussing Jews on RBN. If you must use the word Jew, please preface it with a long, drawn out explanation of how “most of my friends are Jews”; and if you must use the word ‘Jew’, always explain that you are referring to a small minority, not ALL Jews. Then go to a commercial break…This is a snapshot of the twisted logic inside the mind of John Stadtmiller, owner and operator of RBN.
LBJ, Rabid Zionist
Now the U.S.S. Liberty is a topic that is difficult to discuss without using the word ‘Jew’. I suppose you could use the word Israeli, but that hits too close to home for most Paytri-O-Tard networks. The new ‘line’ re the U.S.S. Liberty, is that LBJ and the U.S. government were behind the attack. This has been handed down to us by GCN's, arbiter of truth; Alex Jones. Jones states this theory with a straight face and a sincere growl in his larynx that would make Freddie Blassie ashamed he wore men’s tights in the ring. But he omits two important factoids;
1.) Johnson was a rabid supporter of Israel since his days in congress when he helped smuggle Jews into Texas by forging passports for his Kosher pals.
2.) Even if Johnson was behind the plot to sink the U.S.S. Liberty, it doesn’t let Israel “off the hook”, as they did the dirty work for the Zionist Johnson. Since Johnson was a Zionist, all roads still lead to Israel.
The Jewish hand is all over the U.S.S. Liberty incident, and therefore is one of the most damaging topics for the Jewish World Order. It reveals in broad daylight, their disregard for the rule of law and civilized behavior as would be expected from a developed nation. It shows the ruthlessness of the Jewish state and the lengths they will traverse to accomplish their goals for regional dominance.
The Liberty Hour was unique from other broadcasts that deal with the U.S.S. Liberty, because they had a survivor of the attack as a co-host. Phil Tourney added credibility to the weekly broadcast because he had been on the ship when it was attacked by Israeli fighter pilots and survived.
It was quite a shock to the other host of the show, Mark Glenn, when Stadtmiller told him that he was canned because the show had low ratings, and; “The Liberty thing happened, what, 40 years ago? We’ve said everything about it that needs to be said and this is my network and I‘ll make the decisions around here”.
'You Can Handle The Truth'
John must think he has a real handle on the “Truth, that the audience can handle“, when he believes that no one is going to listen to a survivor of the U.S.S. Liberty talk about his experience during the attack because it happened 40 years ago.
What about the Kennedy Assassination? Hey Mike Piper, no one wants to hear about an assassination that occurred 40 years ago.
While we’re at it, let’s not talk about the American Revolution, WW1&2, the Civil War, Jeckle Island, The federal reserve act, and 911, because they all happened a long time ago.
The only way to understand what is happening today, is to discuss so-called ’ancient history’. And I know from first hand experience as an ex-broadcaster on RBN, that the listening audience loves any discussion with a historical perspective.
After reading Stadtmiller’s comments about the Liberty Hour, one would surmise that John would replace the Liberty Hour with a more ‘important’ show that dealt with current issues of more prominence.
Stadtmiller replaced the Liberty Hour with a show hosted by an ex-NFL Football player who discusses gold and finances. Sounds like a show most RBN listeners would enjoy… Another two hour infomercial for gold.
But you can handle the truth!
So why did Stadtmiller ‘can’ the Liberty Hour?
The host of the program, Mark Glenn states;
“At this point surmising what has taken place doesn’t require a Phd in investigatory skills. To entirely excise one of the more listened-to programs on the network dealing with the Liberty and how it relates to current issues with another program completely unrelated, added with Statdmiller’s comments about the Liberty issue means one thing–pressure has obviously been put on him to silence what is one of the most dangerous stories with regards to the powers-that-be and their plans for–not just America, but indeed the world.”
What Motivates RBN?
Let’s take a look at another factor in the equation that may illuminate the murky world of Paytri-O-Tard broadcasting. Having been in the Stadtmiller ‘gut grinder’ when I was an RBN broadcaster, I have first hand knowledge of the man and his madness.
When I was canned unceremoniously, my program was the second highest rated show on the network. I know this because I was in the studio doing the show live and had access to the stats. I was on before Rick Adams and after Officer Jack Mac lamb. When Jack would end his show and my program would begin, the network would double in listeners. When Adams took the mic after me, the stats would rapidly tumble to less than half of Shanktalk.
When I subbed for John, (who was recovering from falling off his motorcycle while drunk), he was greatly peeved at the fact that the numbers remained the same in his absence.
The point of this:
Something else is motivating John, besides stats and ratings. As a veteran of commercial radio, this is highly unusual and suspect to say the least. Ratings are the life blood of a network, that is how you get advertisers. Why doesn't it matter to John? What is his motivation?
You could surmise it is his ego. That is definitely part of the equation. If you step on his toes or take away some limelight, you can kiss your show goodbye on RBN. I remember a conversation John had with his wife in the front office. He was complaining about my show and his wife said; 'I don't know John, I like Peter's voice...' . Well that could have been the straw that broke the camel's back for John. It wasn't long before my show was thrown under the bus.
Now you could surmise that John is employed by Jewish interests and you could be correct. Most of his advertisers are the same as GCN's and we now know that those advertisers are in large part Jewish. Do they have connections to Mossad or the ADL? Sure, why not? It's possible. John is in the Gold business and that is dominated by Jews. So there is another connection.
As Mark Glenn surmises:
{Therefore, what I envision having taken place is the following–
Someone from whatever (Zionist) agency comes to John Stadtmiller, immediately following his recent arrest and says “John, how much advertising revenue does this program earn your network in a year? $10,000? How bout we double it in return for you canning the show, and we drop the charges against you as an added measure.”}
Ego, covetousness, greed...These are great motivators throughout history. I would say all of these traits are inherent in John Stadtmiller and most of the Paytri-O-Tard leadership.
Alex Jones 'Hit List'
But you miss the big picture if you forget about the dynamo that propels the Paytri-O-Tard mothership along her crash course into oblivion. Alex (Mookie) Jones.
Jones has tentacles that reach into the major Paytri-O-Tard networks. If Mark Glenn pisses off Alex Jones somehow, then Stadtmiller would be more than happy to wield the axe and can the show. Stadtmiller and Jones have had their ups and downs, (like the time when John went on air live to reveal that Jones was a ’coke-head’.), but these two are presently thick as thieves.
It is also common knowledge that Jones has it in for Rense, so it would be very logical to suggest that Mark Glenn’s appearance on Jeff Rense' show, may have been the final curtain for the Liberty Hour.
As Mark Glenn recently stated on his blog:
“Last week I did an interview on Jeff Rense’s radio show, probably one of the more “frank”, I have done with regards to the Jewish issue. Much to my surprise it made a lot of waves, was posted on several Youtube sites and whatnot–”
If you have ever printed or stated anything negative about Jones on your program or in an article, you are definitely on his 'hit list'. I had the honor of making his list, when I invited Victor Thorn and Lisa Giuliani on my RBN program. I didn't know much about their theories re Jones and had no animosity towards Jones, one way or the other at that time. However, after their appearance on my program I received angry phone calls and threats from Jones on my private line (Thanks John!), and threats from his acolytes on Jack Blood‘s website as well as the Revere Radio forum. In addition, my website and forum became inundated with pro-Jones trolls. After this organized ‘anti-Shank’ campaign, I realized there must be some truth to the Thorn-Giuliani, allegations against Jones.
(Please read my last article, ‘Alex Jones discredits 911 truth movement with phony interview’, for more info on Jones.)
It wasn't long after the Thorn-Giuliani interview, when Stadtmiller canned my show using the excuse that I was a Nazi for interviewing Bill White. It may be a plausible excuse coming from the source, but if you take into consideration that I had previously interviewed Glen Miller (KKK), Alex Linder (VNN), and Martin Lindstat, (Aryan Nation), without any blowback from John, the excuse becomes an obvious smokescreen.
Hindsight being 20/20, I would suggest that Jones had a hand in my demise at RBN, not some Jewish agency who didn’t like the content of my show. Of course, some people have pointed out that Jones may have connections with certain Jewish agencies. However, this is all speculation at this point in time…
What Do We Know About Jones?
Jones is an ego maniac and the main impetus for ALL the Paytri-O-Tard networks. As I was told by my RBN producer and Jones sycophant, Paul (Wes) Martin,
"The whole idea behind Radio Free Austin was to promote Jones' message and videos.”
RFA was the main platform for broadcasting RBN and GCN around the Austin area. They soon branched out into other regions of Texas and helped Jones dominate the Patriot Radio market.
When I realized how GCN was kicking RBN in the ass ‘vis a vie’ ratings, I suggested to John Stadtmiller, that we get more aggressive with our PR and marketing. I even suggested that he give me a shot in the same time slot opposite Jones on GCN. I felt that my message was much more compelling and could drive listeners away from GCN-Jones, and into the arms of RBN.
Jones is an amateur and it wouldn't have taken much to dethrone this clown at the time, had someone approached the idea seriously with a healthy competitiveness; as is usually found between rival networks.
But that is the kicker. GCN and RBN are not rival networks. I came to this conclusion when I realized that John was more afraid of "getting on the outs" with Ted Anderson and Alex Jones, than developing a competitive network that would give the audience an alternative to GCN-Jones.
Needless to say, my job became more difficult, when I realized I was working with a dupe for Jones and GCN and not an honest to goodness network that was interested in becoming #1.
Paytri-O-Tard Judas Goat
In closing, if you want to know why the Liberty Hour was cancelled, look no further than Alex Jones and the interests that support his program and videos. This is a virus that runs deep within the Paytri-O-Tard movement. It is no longer a movement of men and women who want to take their country back. It is a Judas goat designed to lead our people to the slaughter house.
The Jones', Stadtmiller's and Anderson's do this by controlling the discussion through their sphere of influence. They destroy anyone who damages their ego, or threatens their perceived position of prominence. Anyone who discusses racial issues, without staying within the parameters set by these self proclaimed arbiters of ‘THE’ truth, is banished from the movement...forever.
A man without a movement, alas! My kingdom for some Exlax.
Anyone who discusses Jewish involvement in 911 and a myriad of other conspiracies without using the proper 'code words', is promptly thrown under the bus by the Paytri-O-Tard 'Axis of Evil'; Jones, Stadtmiller and Anderson.
Hopefully, honest men may speak out against this attack on free speech and the search for truth, and new networks will arise to compete and ultimately overthrow the dominance of GCN, RBN and Jones.
Unfortunately, we keep shooting ourselves in the foot and the bad guys keep getting rich from selling gold plated cow manure, air filters and videos full of hot air to the sheeple.
But one can hope, as hope springs eternal.
Like the Phoenix, the Liberty Hour will be resurrected and return to the airwaves in the near future, as Mark Glenn optimistically stated in his blog:
Phil and I just got off the phone with another network and at this point it looks like we’ll be back on the air Saturday evenings. What’s more, the network is much larger than RBN and has–get ready for this–as many as 300 radio stations that pick up its programming!
Thanks to all for your support. As promised, Phil and I would not let a minor setback such as John Stadtmiller’s instability and treachery bury the story of the USS Liberty. We will fill you all in as to the date and time.
It is tragic that mental instability, ego, greed and treachery are rife within the world of Paytri-O-Tard broadcasting. With friends like these, who needs enemies?
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